(Refer to the Text Fragments post for interesting words and phrases.) Words hyphenated words: Generally words migrate from open (two words) through hyphenation to closed (one word). ‘life cycle’ appear to be skipping the hyphenation phase and though the open form still predominates, the closed form (‘lifecycle’) is gaining. Before versions are generally considered correct….
Tag: words
Text Fragments
(Refer to the Writing Notes post for word usage and to Food Vocabulary for food-related words and terms. Also see Remnants and Famous Quotes.) Interesting Words Contronyms A contronym is a word that has opposite meanings. For example, when Michael Jackson said that he was ‘bad’ in his video “Bad”, he meant that he was really…
Skeuomorphic clouds
Skeuomorph – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Is cloud skeuomorphic or just derivative of mainframe timeshare computing? Retro?