Manjū – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. In Volume 51 of the Japanese manga One Piece Luffy, Chopper, and Brooks consume mass quantities of the Sabaody version of the manju bun.
Tag: Japanese
Teen Manga
School Gunnerkrigg Court Thomas Siddell’s rendering of unusual students at a British boarding school is reminiscent (in an excellent fashion) in both art and characters to San Francisco resident Ted Naifeh’s Courtney Crumrin series. It’s interesting that both series though written by men are centered on extremely bright young women unfazed by the beasties around…
All Ages Manga
(Also see the post Children’s Fiction.) Paranormal Courtney Crumrin; Polly and the Pirates Ted Naifeh brings great characterization and detail to all of his art (including Gloom Cookie and Kin) but it is the stories that he also writes that we get to truly appreciate his storytelling. It may seem odd that the best stories…
One Piece
(For a review of the One Piece Japanese manga series, see the One Piece post on In more than six dozen volumes available in the series the main characters have evolved, particularly those who started as adolescents. Unfortunately this has also added to the number of Barbie doll figures. On the positive side, Luffy…
Japanese English Ad Copy
2012 Nov 28 Out of context this ad copy from a 2012 Nov 27 email is reasonable… but when paired with photos of the product – a medium brown puffy down coat with burnt orange lining – is amusing. From the same email this ad copy is describing another puffy down coat – only…